Welcome to killegar Stables
The Scalp, Enniskerry, Co.Wicklow

Riding techniques

Mastering Riding Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide Whether you’re a novice or an experienced rider, mastering the fundamental riding techniques is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience. This guide covers the essential skills of mounting and dismounting, maintaining proper riding positions and postures, steering and controlling the horse, and understanding the various gaits: walk, trot, canter, and gallop. 1. Mounting […] Continue Reading

Understanding horse behavior

Understanding Horse Behavior and Body Language Understanding horse behavior and body language is essential for building a strong, trusting relationship with your equine companion. Horses are highly perceptive and communicative animals, using subtle cues to express their feelings and intentions. Here’s a guide to help you interpret these signals and respond appropriately. 1. The Basics of Horse Behavior Horses are […] Continue Reading

Essential riding gear and safety equipment

Essential Riding Gear and Safety Equipment for Horse Riders This is a very broad article covering a lot of gear, most of which you do not need to come for a trek or a lesson with us. For what you would need to wear and bring when you come riding at Killegar stables, please look at our FAQ for what […] Continue Reading

How Long Does It Take to Become a Good Horse Rider (The Steps)

A horse is a beautiful animal, both inside and out. If you have read “Black Beauty”, you know why horses are worth loving and riding. You cannot learn how to ride a horse just by reading a book on “how to ride a horse”. The question here is how long it takes to become a great horse rider. Let me […] Continue Reading

6 Tips For Your First Horse Riding Lesson in Dublin

No one has become an excellent rider overnight. It takes time and possibly many mistakes before you can consider yourself a skilled equestrian. You may perfectly realize that mistakes are part of your journey, but a couple of errors may nonetheless make you feel uncomfortable in your first lesson and maybe even repel you from horseback riding altogether. And to […] Continue Reading